מנתח ספקטרום

מנתח ספקטרום

מנתחי ספקטרום הם מכשירי בדיקה יקרים, חיוני שהטוב ביותר ייבחר עבור כל יישום. הבנת המפרט הבסיסי כמו גם ההבדל בין מנתחי ספקטרום אנלוגיים/סופרהטרודיים, מנתחי ספקטרום FFT ואפילו מנתחי ספקטרום בזמן אמת יכולה להיות חשובה.

ID Product Model Man. Spec/ option
1 FFT/ Dynamic Signal Analyzer 35660A Agilent ch1 488uHz to 102.4kHz/ch2 244uHz to 51.2kHz
2 FFT/ Dynamic Signal Analyzer 35665A Agilent Dual-Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer, 244uHz to 102.4KHz
3 FFT/ Dynamic Signal Analyzer 35670A Agilent 1D2(Swept sine measurements)/ 1D3(Curve fit/synthesis)
4 FFT/ Dynamic Signal Analyzer 3589A Agilent Sepctrum/ Network Analyzer, FFT Function 10 Hz to 150 MHz
5 RF Analyzer N9912A Agilent FieldFox, opt 111(Quickcal)/ 106(6GHz)
6 RF Analyzer N9912A Agilent FieldFox, opt 111(Quickcal)/ 104(4GHz)
7 Spectrum Analyzer 8561A Agilent
8 Spectrum Analyzer 8561E Agilent 6.5GHz
9 Spectrum Analyzer 8562E Agilent 30Hz – 13.2 GHz
10 Spectrum Analyzer 8563A Agilent 9KHz to 22GHz, 10Hz to 1MHz Resolution
11 Spectrum Analyzer 8563E Agilent 26.5GHz
12 Spectrum Analyzer 8593E Agilent opt 004/ 041
13 Spectrum Analyzer 8595E Agilent Agilent label
14 Spectrum Analyzer E4402B Agilent 9KHz – 3GHz, opt 1DS(3.0GHz PreAMP)/ A4H/ AYX(Fast Sweep & Ports)
15 Spectrum Analyzer E4404B Agilent 9KHz to 6.7GHz, opt 1D5,1DR,A4H
16 Spectrum Analyzer E4411B Agilent 0B0/ A4H(GPIB and Centronics)
17 Spectrum Analyzer E4440A Agilent 26.5GHz, opt 1D5,UK6
18 Spectrum Analyzer ESA-L1500A Agilent 9kHz – 1.5GHz, Dynamic Range : -120dBm – +30dBm, 1Hz – 3MHz RBW
19 Spectrum Analyzer FSEB30(1066.3010.30) R & S 20Hz to 7GHz, opt B4(Low Phase Noise)/ B5(FFT Bandwidth 1Hz~1KHz)
20 Spectrum Analyzer FSIQ7 R & S 20Hz to 7GHz
21 Spectrum Analyzer FSIQ7 R & S opt B4(Low Phase Noise)/ B5(FFT Bandwidth 1Hz-1KHz)/ B7(Vector Signal Analysis)
22 Spectrum Analyzer MS2663A Anritsu 9kHz~8.1GHz, 1KHz to 5MHz RBW, Color Display, opt 01, 03, 04, 06, 09
23 Spectrum Analyzer N9320A Agilent 3GHz
24 Spectrum Analyzer R3132 Advantest 9KHz to 3GHz
25 Spectrum Analyzer R3132N Advantest 75ohm input, 9KHz to 3GHz, opt 27(Narrow-band resolution bandwidths)/ 74(Tracking generator 100KHz to 3GHz)
26 Spectrum Analyzer R3671 Advantest 20Hz to 13GHz Signal Analyzer, opt 22(High-stability frequency reference source)/ 50(3GPP modulation analysis software/ HSDPA supported)
27 Spectrum Analyzer Adapter for RSA RTPA2A Tek Interface Tektronix P7000 series high-performance active and differential probes to Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzers
28 Spectrum Analyzer for CATV 2714 Tek 1.8GHz, 75ohm, opt 2707 TG
29 Spectrum Analyzer for EMC with TG 8593EM Agilent with TG
30 Spectrum Analyzer Real Time RSA3303A Tek DC to 3GHz
31 Spectrum Analyzer Real Time RSA3408B Tek DC to 8GHz, 0.1Hz Resolution, opt 06/ 21/ 29/ L5/ A6/ 02/ 03/ 05
32 Spectrum Analyzer Real Time RSA507A Tek USB Real Time Oscilloscope 9KHz to 7.5GHz, demo unit
33 Spectrum Analyzer with TG E4405B Agilent 9KHz – 13.2GHz, opt 1AX (Replace GPIB with serial port) , 1D5 (High-stability frequency reference) , 1D6 (Time-gated spectrum analysis) , 1DN (50 Ω tracking generator) , 1DR (Narrow resolution bandwidths) , AYX (Fast time domain sweep; IF, sweep,and video output ports) , B7B (TV trigger on screen measurement) , BAA (FM demodulation/ deviation)
34 Spectrum Analyzer with TG E4411B Agilent 1DN(TG)/ A4J(IF and sweep ports)/ A4H(GPIB and Centronics)
35 Spectrum Analyzer TG R3132 Advantest 9KHz to 3GHz, opt 74(TG)
36 Spectrum Analyzer TG/ HH FSH6 (26) R & S 100KHz to 6GHz with TG & Preamp
37 Spectrum Analyzer TG/ HH N9340B Agilent 100KHz to 3GHz, opt PA3 (Amplifier)/ TG
38 Spectrum Analyzer with TG R3365A Advantest 100Hz to 8GHz,, 10Hz to 3MHz RBW, Tracking Generator
39 Spectrum Analyzer/ Video Analyer AT2500R3 Sunrise opt CATV measurement/ Digital CH. Power/ Time Domain Measurement

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